West Palm Beach Local Blog
It’s all about the healthy, happy, whole dog.
Congrats Golly!!
Congratulations Golly. Golly is a 9 month old Morkie that has been gracing us with his presence since February of…
Dog Day Care, Dog of the Month, News
Congrats, Toby
Congratulations Toby! Toby is a 16 month old Plot Hound that has been one of our first regulars since we…
Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Ownership, Dog Safety, Dog Training
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), more than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in…
This Memorial Day, while celebrating the men and women who have served the country bravely, let’s also take a moment…
While your pup can’t have chocolate or candy, there is still a way for them to partake in the festivities…
Did you know: The word Terrier was derived from the Latin word Terra, meaning “earth”. Dogs in the Terrier group…
Dog Behavior, Dog Enrichment, Dog Health, Dog Ownership, Dog Safety
This month we celebrated National Pet Day on April 11. Here are three tips for living in a multi-pet home:…
Dog Education, Dog Health, Dog Ownership, Dog Safety
April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month! In honor of this we’re sharing some ways to engage this month…
Dog Behavior, Dog Enrichment, Dog Health, Dog Ownership, Dog Socialization, Dog Training
In our last blog post, we shared a couple of our favorite puppy enrichment ideas you and your puppy can…
Dog Health, Dog Ownership, Dog Safety
The month of March is Poison Prevention Month, in honor of that, we’d like to share 5 tips for keeping…
National Puppy Day is March 23. To celebrate our beloved pups here is an easy game you can play with…
Dog Enrichment, Dog Health, Dog Training, Puppies
If you’ve brought home a puppy recently, or are planning to bring a puppy home soon, there are some essential…
Ingredients 2 Free Range Eggs 1 and 1/2 Cups Almond Flour 1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil 3-4 Tablespoons of Coconut Flour…
February is Pet Dental Health Month. Keep your dog’s teeth pearly white! Learn more about the health of dog’s teeth…