Meet Bo! Bo is a very handsome eight-year-old Catahoula mix that has been playing at the Bark since August 2015! Bo gets along great with all his friends at daycare, big or small, young or old, and he loves to play and make his friends feel special and loved. Below are more interesting tidbits on this captivating Catahoula:
- Although he is older, Bo is a kid at heart; he plays with his Legos and Mom constantly must remind him to stop eating the Play-doh.
- Bo enjoys learning and burns through three educational books a week on his library app. His favorite saying is “Bo Knows!” after he discovers something new.
- While googling his name, he came across Bo Derek. He is now obsessed and waiting for his Bo Derek poster to arrive from China. He ordered it in February 2020.
- He recently discovered the sport of Parkour and hopes to compete in a tournament one day. For now, he practices by springing off his dad at pick up time.
- Bo likes to collect baseball cards, comic books and pencil erasers shaped like food.
- His goals for 2021 include learning Japanese, crochet 50 afghans for the homeless and take up a stained-glass project.
- Bo’s favorite show growing up was Dukes of Hazzard. On the way home from daycare Bo is always encouraging his dad to outrun the police; his dad has not obliged.
Congratulations Bo! We are excited to kick off the new year celebrating you!