Meet Sawyer Brown! Mr. Sawyer is a four year old puggle who has been having fun at Central Bark since January 2007. Sawyer had a couple naughty habits in the beginning; including running the fence line and barking, but has worked hard with our handlers to become a model day care doggy! Sawyer adores Miss Karrie, one of our handlers, and will follow her around whenever she is in his group. He’s not picky though… he’ll let any of the handlers pick him up for some TLC.
Although Sawyer is friendly with all the dogs, he loves to play with his regular pals Brewster and Daisy (also puggles) and Kona and Jersey (two beagles). He loves to splash around in the pool and sprawl out afterwards to catch some rays. What a life!
Sawyer Brown, we love your big adorable ears and your big brown eyes melt our hearts. Congratulations Mr. June!