Enzo (a.k.a Enzo Love) is a two year old boxer who has been coming to Central Bark since he was a teeny weeny twelve week old puppy. In the past two years we’ve watched Enzo grow and develop into the strong and confident young man that he is today. Having that boxer energy, there have been times when Enzo would play a little too rough or act overly excited. Our handlers have worked with him and his play techniques have improved immensely! Enzo loves everyone and isn’t shy on giving kisses to all his furry friends and handlers (hence the nickname). He enjoys running around the playgroup for a game of “catch me if you can” with his furry friends or even the handlers. Enzo also LOVES the water and if you toss a ball into the pool he will spend most of the afternoon splashing around after it. Enzo’s mommy recently had a baby boy and we’ve heard Enzo has been a fabulous big brother. Keep up the good work Enzo Love! We’re so proud of you!
Congrats, Enzo!