This is Morgan! Little Morgan became a part of the Central Bark family one year ago as a little baby of only four months. Her parents are very dedicated in providing Morgan with the best possible life and know the importance of socializing their girl while she is young. Morgan started off shy…for about 15 minutes. Then the concept of “Play” clicked in and she’s has been off and running ever since! If Morgan’s cute little face is familiar to you, it is probably because she is in so many pictures. This is one girl who is NOT camera shy and loves to ham it up for the camera. She’s a bundle of energy the minute she runs out to play and is completely exhausted by the end of the day. It is at this point in our tribute that we normally list a few of the “Dog of the Month’s” favorite pals. However, since Morgan LOVES everybody, the list would be a page and a half long. One minute she’ll be giving kisses to her smaller friends and the next minute she is hoping up and down trying to play with a larger buddy. We are so happy we have had the opportunity to watch Morgan grow into the amazing girl that she is today. Congratulations Miss April!!