We like Big Mutts and we cannot lie…. Little mutts too. Mutts, they may not be pure bread, but they sure can be pure of heart. December 2nd is National Mutt Day, also known as National Mixed Breed Awareness Day, is a “pawsome” holiday all about embracing, rescuing, and celebrating mixed breed dogs.
Approximately 80% of dogs in shelters are mixed breeds. Most pure breeds that end up in shelters are quickly rescued due to the general public’s desire for a pure breed rescue. But on December 2nd, it’s important that we educate the public about the vast amount of mixed breed dogs that desperately need a loving home as we celebrate their unique personalities and characteristics that a mix of breeds creates in an individual dog.
Did you know?
- Mixed breed dogs can have longer lifespans than pure bred dogs
- Mixed breed dogs can also have better overall health
- Mixed breed dogs are unique and one-of-a-kind in appearance
- Mixed breed dogs can generally be less expensive than pure breeds
- One of the most famous movie dogs, Benji, is a mixed breed terrier
So how can you celebrate National Mutt Day?
- Adopt and don’t shop
- Volunteer or donate money to a local shelter
- Pamper your mutt with a Spa Day at your local Central Bark
- Take a self-pawtrait and post to your social media
- Create the ulti-mutt feast of treats and food you can pick up in our Central Bark Market
If you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind pet, you can’t go wrong with a mutt. Mutts come in all shapes and sizes and have a veritable rainbow of coat colors and patterns. No two mutts are alike.