New Membership Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to be a member? 

Members have a reserved space, a recurring weekly schedule, and a credit card on file for automatic hands-free payments. All dogs, whether members or non-members, must pass a behavior assessment and attend at least once per week for enrollment in our day care program.  

How do I become a member?

Simply speak with a Central Bark team member to get set up!  

What will the pricing and member perks be? 

Like so many businesses, our operating costs continue to climb, but we will never sacrifice the care for your dogs. Members will always receive the lowest rates depending on how often you come. Pricing options and member perks are listed in the chart below.

Days Per WeekWeekly Member Plans*Non-Member*
1 day$43 ($43/day)$48 per day
2 days$84 ($42/day)
3+ days$123+ ($41/day)
Perks• Preferred scheduling.
• Reduced pricing for Day Care and Sleepovers.
• 5% off on all retail purchases, including dog food! 
• Membership plan credits can be used for multiple dogs in the same family and applied toward Sleepover stays.
Schedule and pay-as-you-go.
Reservations are subject to availability.
*All dogs, member, and non-member must attend at least once per week.

Can I use up my 10 and 20 pack credits before switching to a weekly membership plan?

Absolutely! Once you are down to your last couple of package credits, we will get you set up for the membership plan that is right for you.

What if I want to schedule and pay as I go? 

Non-Members can schedule and pay as they go, subject to availability. Just remember, as part of our safety program, all dogs enrolled in our program, member, or non-member, must attend at least once per week.

Why are Non-Members charged a higher rate? 

Memberships allow us to be more efficient with staffing so we can spend less time on scheduling and payments and more time doing what we do best, enriching your dog’s lives!

Why are we changing to a weekly membership program?

Consistent weekly attendance helps promote safety, comfort, and positive socialization for the dogs. Simplifying our scheduling and payment process makes it easier for you and reduces the time our staff spend on these tasks. This means we can have even more time to do what we do best, enriching your dog’s life! NEW special member perks are our way of thanking you for choosing Central Bark for your dog’s care.

Do Member and Non-Member dogs receive the same care? 

Absolutely! The membership program is simply about how you schedule and pay for your visits so we can create the safest and most predictable environment for your dog and the smoothest scheduling and check-out process for you.  

As a member with a recurring schedule, can I add or change a day if I need to?

If you need to add or change a day, speak with one of our team members. Our membership program will remain flexible enough to accommodate changes. While all scheduling changes are subject to availability, preference will always be given to members.  

Can I cancel and restart my membership?

Yes, we require 2 weeks’ notice to cancel and there is a 2-week waiting period to restart your membership after cancellation. Additionally, cancellation results in losing your reserved spot on your desired day(s). When you return, your desired day may or may not be available and you may need to be on a waitlist and/or attend on a different day. During the 2-week waiting period to restart your membership once you return, you would be subject to the higher non-member rate. 

What if my dog is sick and cannot attend on their normal member days? 

If your pup is sick, give us a call, and let’s discuss some options. Our goal is to keep everyone healthy and happy, which means keeping sick dogs at home and healthy dogs here.