Fort Walton Beach
Dog Training & Enrichment

Help your dog be the best they can be

At Central Bark® Fort Walton Beach, we believe in helping your dog reach their full potential for a happier family life. Our expert dog training professionals utilize fun, positive, reward-based techniques to instill essential life skills and behaviors in dogs of all ages.

We provide individual training and enrichment sessions, as well as group classes, to reinforce positive habits and strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Through training, we aim to establish a foundation for good canine citizenship, fostering happy, social, and well-rounded dogs.

Discover the advantages of dog training at Central Bark Fort Walton Beach, FL:

  • Personalized Guidance: Our training sessions are customized to meet your dog’s unique needs and objectives. With individualized instruction from our experienced trainers, we address behavior issues and teach new commands, ensuring your dog receives the attention required for success.
  • Group Classes for Practice: Join our group classes to reinforce positive behaviors and promote socialization in a supportive setting. These sessions offer opportunities for your dog to interact with other canines and people while honing important skills.
  • Promoting Good Behavior: Training equips your dog to become a responsible member of the community. By instilling positive habits and essential commands, we shape them into well-mannered individuals capable of navigating social situations with confidence and respect.
  • Building a Stronger Bond: Our training extends beyond basic commands, fostering trust, effective communication, and mutual understanding between you and your dog. This cultivates a loving and respectful relationship, enhancing the special bond you share with your furry companion.


Central Bark
Fort Walton Beach

35 Miracle Strip Pkwy SW,
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548Get Directions

(850) 200-4408

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Teach your dog:

  • Name Recall: Train your dog to come when called, vital for safety and control, especially off-leash.
  • Sit: Command your dog to sit, useful for managing behavior in various situations like greeting guests or mealtime.
  • Stay: Train your dog to remain in one spot until released, ensuring safety and preventing wandering.
  • Down: Teach your dog to lie down on command, helpful for calming them in stressful situations.
  • Wait: Instruct your dog to pause before proceeding, preventing rushing or jumping behaviors.
  • Leave-it: Train your dog to ignore distractions or unwanted items, ensuring their safety and well-being.

Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key to successful training. Tailor additional commands to suit your dog’s needs and preferences, fostering a strong bond through training.

Dog Training & Enrichment Options:

a Central Bark employee providing dog training to a black dog

Training Tutor

Enjoy personalized one-on-one training sessions during day care visits, where your dog will learn essential skills such as name recall, sit, stay, down, wait, leave-it, door and gate control, and loose-leash walking. These sessions are not only beneficial for your dog but also convenient for you. Your furry friend will return home tired and well-socialized, equipped with the training and behaviors necessary to be a well-behaved member of your family.

Central Bark trainer with a corgi beside her at a doggy day care

One-on-One Enrichment

Treat your dog to personalized one-on-one enrichment sessions, providing them with extra attention and the opportunity to engage their senses through interactive toys, puzzles, and games. These sessions are both enjoyable and rewarding, exercising their bodies and minds while stimulating their senses. You can also enhance the experience with fitness and agility equipment to add complexity to the activities.

Central Bark brown dog playing

Rest Period Enrichment

Give your dog a chance to relax and rejuvenate in their own private space, equipped with calming interactive toys and healthy food pairings tailored to their preferences and dietary needs. This promotes physical and mental relaxation, helping them achieve a healthy balance of play, learning, and rest. Additionally, it can aid in crate training by fostering positive associations with their designated space.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does dog training cost?

With a variety of training solutions available, training costs depend upon what kind of training you and your dog need. 

Central Bark® offers everything you need to help you train your new puppy or older dog. Including group classes and Training Tutor sessions that can take place during day care. Our expert training and classes help you, and your dog learn and bond together. 

Learn more about our training classes.

How do you train a puppy?

Whether you’re crate training, leash walking, or potty training your pup, consistency is key. It’s crucial to establish a routine, practice positive reinforcement, supervise your puppy (especially when potty training), and avoid punishing your puppy when mistakes happen. 

Central Bark® offers everything you need to help you train your puppy. We offer expert training and classes so you and your puppy can learn and bond together. 

Learn more about our training classes.

Visit our Dog Blog for more helpful tips.

What is positive reward-based dog training?

Positive reward-based techniques help puppies and dogs develop essential life skills and behaviors that will enrich their lives at home and day care. These methods set dogs up to succeed and reward them for performing desired behaviors. Rewards are tailored to the dog’s preferences and can include food treats, time to play with a favorite toy, or verbal praise. 

After decades of experience using reward-based training, we know it’s the most humane and effective way of training dogs and addressing unwanted behaviors. It’s the best way to build a loving, trusting bond that enhances your relationship between you and your dog for a lifetime of happiness together.

At Central Bark®, our focus on positive reinforcement has never wavered. We continuously update our skills and policies to stay at the forefront of new advances in behavioral science and positive reinforcement techniques.

Learn more about our training classes.

Visit our Dog Blog for more helpful tips

How long does dog training take?

The timeline for learning new behaviors and skills is as unique as every dog! Because each dog is an individual, with different learning histories, breed genetics, and preferences in reinforcers like treats and toys, there is no way to say for sure how long training will take. It’s also important to consider how much time each family has for daily training practice.

Whether you’re crate training, leash walking, or potty training your pup, consistency is key. It’s crucial to establish a routine, practice positive reinforcement, supervise your puppy (especially when potty training), and avoid punishing your puppy when mistakes happen. 

Central Bark® offers everything you need to help you train your dog, with expert training and classes so you and your pup can learn and bond together. 

Learn more about our training classes.

Visit our Dog Blog for more helpful tips

Read all FAQs

Central Bark® Whole Dog Care

Our whole dog care approach offers a full range of fun and personalized products and services. To promote your dog’s physical, mental, and emotional health and happiness throughout their entire life.