- ••••••Congrats Luna!!•••••••
This beautiful bundle of joy is Luna! Miss Lulu has done nothing but blossom since the first day we met her! Not only have we been able to celebrate all her milestones with her, but we have also been lucky enough to watch her spunky personality develop! If any pup can make you feel like butterflies and rainbows.. it is definitely Luna! The minute Lulu makes eye contact with you from across the playground, she breaks out into a sprint and immediately pounces to drown you in kisses! She is sure to cover your face in slobber by the end of her love attack! However, although she lives for human kisses, she also loves to show all her pals the same type of affection! Luna gives her doggy friends kisses to greet them, cheer them up, or even just for the fun of it! There isn’t a pup that Lulu won’t share the love with! Not only is this goofball beautiful on the inside, but she also is on the outside! Luna has beautiful multicolored eyes – one a mixture of blue and the other a deep brown! Her eyes are so mesmerizing that she hypnotizes us into giving her extra treats and belly rubs! How can you say no to that face?! On top of that, there’s never a moment that miss Lulu isn’t smiling from ear to ear! If you ever need to find her, she’s most definitely posing for her morning photoshoot! Luna is the definition of happiness in its purest form and wins the title “Little Miss Sunshine!” Luna, we love you to absolute pieces and can’t imagine Central Bark without you! Thank you for starting and ending our days with the smiliest face and warmest doggy hugs!!❤️