August Dog of the Month~ Congrats Lola!
Lola is a 4-year-old Chiweenie and this little girl is quite the gem! This gal can walk the walk and talk the talk when it comes to having us all wrapped around her little finger! She is such a talented girl with so much confidence with her little cute strutting trot to her 2-legged dance that gives us a tickle and just warms our heart! She is so lovable and always greets everyone with the sweetest grin on her face. Just being around her makes your day and also explains why she makes such a great certified therapy dog. She certainly gives off that wonderful fuzzy wuzzy vibe! Our most favorite part of the day with her though is seeing the love and bond between her and her Daddy at pick up. She always says hello with lots of kisses on his nose and you can tell they just missed each other so! Lola you are very much adored by us all and we couldn’t be happier for you! Congratulations baby doll!