More Dog Services
in Sheboygan
Because dogs aren’t like family. They are family.
Our furry family members fill our lives with joy, and we want to give them the best experience in return. That’s why we offer everything you need (and more) for each phase of your pup’s life, so you and your dog can enjoy a long, healthy, and happy life together.
Central Bark
3513 S 32nd St,
Sheboygan, WI 53081Get Directions
Closed 7:00–7:30 AM
11:30 AM–Noon
4:00–4:15 PM
6:00–6:30 PM (Drop off/Pick up)
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! We love to celebrate our dog friends’ birthdays. You can rent space in our facility to celebrate, then bring in your treats and decorations. Or you can have us plan and run your entire event.
Contact us to schedule your dog’s party!
The cost of your party depends on what you need to celebrate your occasion. You can rent space in our facility to celebrate, then bring in your treats and decorations. Or you can have us plan and run your entire event, complete with a special treat, party favors, hats, decorations, and more.
Call today to learn more
Yes! We love to celebrate our friends’ special days. You can schedule space in our facility to celebrate important moments in your dog’s life, from playdates to birthdays to Barkmitzvas. You can rent the space or have us plan and run your entire event.
Contact us to schedule your dog’s party!
Central Bark® Whole Dog Care
Our whole dog care approach offers a full range of fun and personalized products and services. To promote your dog’s physical, mental, and emotional health and happiness throughout their entire life.
Let’s get started
- Click Request Appointment
- Register Online
- We will contact you and schedule your first visit