More Dog Services
in Fort Lauderdale

Dogs aren’t just treated like family, they are family.

Our beloved furry companions infuse our days with happiness, deserving the utmost in return. Hence, we provide a comprehensive array of services for every stage of your pup’s journey, ensuring both you and your dog share a journey of longevity, well-being, and happiness.

Central Bark
Fort Lauderdale

3699 N Dixie Hwy,
Oakland Park, FL 33334Get Directions

(954) 568-3647

Open Today 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM

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Dog Parties & Events
in Fort Lauderdale

Confession time: WE ADORE PAW-TIES! Reserve a spot in our venue to commemorate significant milestones in your dog’s journey – be it playdates, birthdays, or any remarkable occasion. We’re brimming with creative concepts to aid you in crafting a memorable experience.

Ask one of our associates for further information.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do dog parties cost?

The cost of your party depends on what you need to celebrate your occasion. You can rent space in our facility to celebrate, then bring in your treats and decorations. Or you can have us plan and run your entire event, complete with a special treat, party favors, hats, decorations, and more.

Call today to learn more

Do you offer dog parties?

Yes! We love to celebrate our friends’ special days. You can schedule space in our facility to celebrate important moments in your dog’s life, from playdates to birthdays to Barkmitzvas. You can rent the space or have us plan and run your entire event. 

Contact us to schedule your dog’s party! 

Do you offer dog birthday parties?

Yes! We love to celebrate our dog friends’ birthdays. You can rent space in our facility to celebrate, then bring in your treats and decorations. Or you can have us plan and run your entire event. 

Contact us to schedule your dog’s party! 

Read all FAQs

Central Bark Whole Dog Care

Our whole dog care approach in Fort Lauderdale offers a full range of fun and personalized products and services. To promote your dog’s physical, mental, and emotional health and happiness throughout their entire life.