Dog Behavior

Setting Your Dog Up for Separation and Confinement Success

Dog Behavior, Dog Enrichment, Dog Health, Dog Ownership

Setting Your Dog Up for Separation and Confinement Success

One of the greatest joys of sharing your life with a dog is their observable delight when you come home.…

Puppies Don’t Know the Word Pandemic: A guide to socializing your puppy during the pandemic

Dog Behavior, Dog Enrichment, Dog Health, Dog Socialization, Dog Training, Puppies

Puppies Don’t Know the Word Pandemic: A guide to socializing your puppy during the pandemic

Puppy and Pandemic.  Two words that are at odds with one another and create two very different pictures of daily…

Preparing your dog for July 4th

Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Safety

Preparing your dog for July 4th

Summer Solstice marks the true beginning of summer, meaning that peak daylight is finally here, and the Fourth of July…

Helpful Information on Dog Bite Prevention

Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Ownership, Dog Safety, Dog Training

Helpful Information on Dog Bite Prevention

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), more than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in…

Three Tips for Living in a Multi-Dog Home

Dog Behavior, Dog Enrichment, Dog Health, Dog Ownership, Dog Safety

Three Tips for Living in a Multi-Dog Home

This month we celebrated National Pet Day on April 11. Here are three tips for living in a multi-pet home:…

What’s the Best Way to Socialize a Dog

Dog Behavior, Dog Enrichment, Dog Health, Dog Ownership, Dog Socialization, Dog Training

What’s the Best Way to Socialize a Dog

In our last blog post, we shared a couple of our favorite puppy enrichment ideas you and your puppy can…